Last-minute deals in Istria
Fancy a holiday in Istria in the next few weeks? Roan Luxury Camping Holidays has a great selection of last-minute campsites available in Istria.
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With last-minute-deals to Istria
Book your last-minute holiday to Istria now and take advantage of our extra special deals! Enjoy your holiday in Istria even more by profiting from our last-minute discounts and saving even more money! So hurry up and book now because our last-minute deals will be snapped up before you know it!
Istria is a popular region in Croatia and is also the perfect last-minute destination for an unforgettable camping holiday. Here, you can enjoy the rugged coast and explore picturesque seaside towns, such as Porec and the historic town of Pula with its famous Colosseum!
Our last-minute campsites in Istria have superb mobile homes and comfortable tents available. All our mobile homes in Istria come with free air conditioning, a wooden decking plus a barbecue.
Our tents are fully equipped with all the mod cons and comforts of home. All our tents are equipped with a water-permeable ground mat and a gazebo to provide welcome shade on hot days. A free barbecue is also included with our bungalow tents. This is all you need for a fabulous holiday!
Check out our fantastic last-minute camping holiday deals and profit from our amazing discounts!